Debugging Tips and Tricks for Python Developers

As a Python developer, you will come across various debugging scenarios, ranging from simple syntax errors to more complex bugs in your code. Debugging can be frustrating, but it’s an essential skill for every programmer. Luckily, Python has a wealth of tools and techniques to aid in the debugging process. In this article, we will explore some of the best debugging tips and tricks that can make your life easier as a Python developer.

Debugging Basics

Debugging involves finding and fixing errors in your code. Before we dive into the debugging tips and tricks, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of the debugging basics. Here are some core concepts to keep in mind when debugging:


Logging is one indispensable debugging technique that helps developers understand what their code is doing at different points in time. It enables programmers to track the flow of data, variables, and errors within their code. Python has a built-in logging module that makes it easy to log events and messages selectively to different streams. You can use the logging module to write messages to the console, to a file, or to a remote server.


When an error occurs in your code, Python produces a traceback message that indicates where the error occurred and the function call chain that led to the error. A traceback message can be challenging to interpret for beginners, but it’s a powerful tool for identifying the root cause of errors in your code.


A debugger is a tool that allows developers to pause the execution of their code and inspect the state of variables and data structures at a particular point in time. Python has several built-in debuggers, such as pdb and ipdb, that can be used to observe and manipulate the state of a running Python program.

Now that we’ve got the basic concepts out of the way let’s dive into some actionable debugging tips and tricks for Python developers.

Debugging Tips and Tricks

1. Use print statements

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. Adding print statements is one of the most straightforward and effective debugging techniques. Print statements can help you understand how a piece of code is executing and if it is processing data correctly at various points.

For example, here is a simple function that calculates the factorial of a number:

def factorial(n):
    result = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        result *= i
    return result

If we wanted to debug this function using print statements, we could add them like this:

def factorial(n):
    print(f"calculating factorial({n})")
    result = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        print(f"multiplying {result} by {i}")
        result *= i
    return result

Now, when we call factorial(5), we will see the following output:

calculating factorial(5)
multiplying 1 by 1
multiplying 1 by 2
multiplying 2 by 3
multiplying 6 by 4
multiplying 24 by 5

Using print statements can be tedious and time-consuming, but it’s convenient, especially when working with small code snippets.

2. Use pdb for interactive debugging

If you’re working with larger codebases or more complex problems, you may need a more robust debugging solution. Enter pdb, the Python Debugger. Pdb is a built-in debugger that enables interactive debugging of Python code.

To use pdb, simply add the following line to your code where you want to start debugging:

import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

This line sets a tracepoint at that point in your code and starts pdb in interactive mode. When the Python interpreter encounters this line, it will pause execution and show the pdb prompt. From there, you can interact with the debugger by typing commands such as n (next line), s (step into function call), q (quit debugger), and many more.

For example, let’s use pdb to debug our factorial function:

import pdb

def factorial(n):
    result = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        result *= i
    return result


When we run this code, the pdb prompt will appear, and we can start debugging interactively:

> /path/to/
-> for i in range(1, n+1):
(Pdb) n
> /path/to/
-> result *= i
(Pdb) n
> /path/to/
-> for i in range(1, n+1):
(Pdb) print(result)
(Pdb) print(i)
(Pdb) c

In this example, we use the n command to execute the next line of code, inspect the current values of result and i, and continue running the code using the c (continue) command.

Note that pdb can add a lot of overhead to your code, so it’s best to use it only when necessary.

3. Use assert statements

Another built-in Python feature that can help with debugging is the assert statement. The assert statement is a convenient way to test whether a condition is true and raise an exception if it’s not.

Here’s an example of an assert statement being used to check whether a function returns the expected result:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

assert add(2, 3) == 5

When the assertion fails, Python will raise an AssertionError with a message indicating where the assertion failed.

Assert statements are useful when you want to check that your code is working as expected and that the output of a function is correct. They make it easy to identify when something is amiss.

4. Use docstrings to help debug your code

Docstrings are a way to document your code by embedding documentation in a string at the beginning of functions, classes, and modules.

Docstrings can be used to add debugging information to your code. For example, you can use docstrings to add a description of what the function does, what inputs it accepts, and what outputs it produces. You can also use docstrings to document edge cases, expected errors, and typical usage patterns.

Here’s an example of how you can use a docstring to document a function:

def factorial(n):
    Calculate the factorial of a positive integer.

        n (int): A positive integer.

        int: The factorial of n.
    result = 1
    for i in range(1, n+1):
        result *= i
    return result

Now, when you use the help function to display information about this function, you will see the docstring displayed as well:

>>> help(factorial)
Help on function factorial in module __main__:

    Calculate the factorial of a positive integer.

        n (int): A positive integer.

        int: The factorial of n.

Docstrings can help you quickly understand what a piece of code is designed to do and how it works. This can be invaluable when trying to track down errors or understand how to use someone else’s code.

5. Use pylint to find syntax errors and code smells

Pylint is a Python linter that can help you find syntax errors, code smells, and other potential problems in your code. Pylint checks for common coding errors, such as unused variables, and enforces coding standards, such as PEP 8, the official Python style guide.

To use pylint, you need to install it first:

pip install pylint

Once installed, you can run pylint on your code like this:


Pylint will output a report listing all the errors and warnings it found in your code, along with an assessment of your code’s overall quality.

Here’s an example of pylint being used to check a simple Python script:


def add(a, b):
    return a + b

result = add("2", "3")

Running pylint on this script produces the following output:

$ pylint
************* Module script W0621: Redefining built-in 'result' (redefined-builtin) W0612: Unused variable 'result' (unused-variable) E0001: Syntax error in parameter 'a' (syntax-error)

Your code has been rated at -13.33/10 (previous run: -13.33/10, +0.00)

As you can see, pylint has identified several errors in our code, including a syntax error in the add function’s argument and two warnings about an unused variable and a redefined built-in.

Pylint can help you catch common coding errors quickly and enforce coding standards, making it easier to write cleaner, more maintainable code.


Debugging can be frustrating, but by using these debugging tips and tricks, you can streamline your workflow, write better code, and save yourself a lot of headaches down the line.

We’ve explored some of the most powerful Python debugging tools and techniques, including print statements, pdb, assert statements, docstrings, and pylint. By incorporating these techniques into your debugging workflow, you’ll be better equipped to identify and fix errors in your code quickly and effectively.

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