Python File Handling

Are you ready to take your Python skills to the next level? If so, then you need to learn about Python file handling! This powerful feature allows you to read and write files in Python, making it an essential tool for any programmer.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about Python file handling. We'll start with the basics, including how to open and close files, and then move on to more advanced topics like reading and writing files, handling errors, and working with binary files.

Opening and Closing Files

The first step in working with files in Python is to open them. To do this, you use the open() function, which takes two arguments: the name of the file you want to open, and the mode in which you want to open it.

file = open('example.txt', 'r')

In this example, we're opening a file called example.txt in read mode ('r'). Other modes include write mode ('w') and append mode ('a'). When you're finished working with a file, you should always close it using the close() method.


It's important to remember to close your files when you're done with them, as leaving them open can cause problems with your program and with other programs that may want to access the same file.

Reading Files

Once you've opened a file, you can read its contents using the read() method. This method reads the entire contents of the file into a string.

file = open('example.txt', 'r')
contents =

In this example, we're opening the example.txt file in read mode, reading its contents into the contents variable, and then printing the contents to the console. When we're finished, we close the file.

You can also read a file line by line using the readline() method. This method reads a single line from the file and returns it as a string.

file = open('example.txt', 'r')
line = file.readline()
while line:
    line = file.readline()

In this example, we're opening the example.txt file in read mode, reading the first line into the line variable, and then printing it to the console. We then loop through the file, reading each subsequent line and printing it until we reach the end of the file. Finally, we close the file.

Writing Files

In addition to reading files, you can also write to them using the write() method. This method writes a string to the file.

file = open('example.txt', 'w')
file.write('Hello, world!')

In this example, we're opening the example.txt file in write mode, writing the string 'Hello, world!' to the file, and then closing the file. If the file already exists, this code will overwrite its contents. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.

You can also append to a file using the write() method and the append mode ('a').

file = open('example.txt', 'a')
file.write('Hello again, world!')

In this example, we're opening the example.txt file in append mode, writing the string 'Hello again, world!' to the end of the file, and then closing the file.

Handling Errors

When working with files, it's important to handle errors that may occur. One common error is the FileNotFoundError, which occurs when you try to open a file that doesn't exist.

    file = open('example.txt', 'r')
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File not found!')
    contents =

In this example, we're using a try/except block to handle the FileNotFoundError that may occur when we try to open the example.txt file. If the file is found, we read its contents and print them to the console. If the file isn't found, we print an error message.

Binary Files

So far, we've been working with text files, which contain human-readable text. However, you can also work with binary files, which contain non-text data like images, audio, and video.

To work with binary files, you need to open them in binary mode ('b'). You can then read and write bytes using the read() and write() methods.

with open('example.jpg', 'rb') as file:
    data =

In this example, we're opening a binary file called example.jpg in read mode and reading its contents into the data variable. We then print the contents to the console.


Python file handling is a powerful feature that allows you to read and write files in Python. Whether you're working with text files or binary files, Python makes it easy to manipulate file data. By mastering file handling, you'll be able to take your Python skills to the next level and create more powerful and versatile programs.

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